Apart from the existing shell commands, shortcuts, and CLSID’s, which are present in Windows 8/7, Windows 11/10 offers some new shortcuts, shell commands, and CLID’s. Using these you can create desktop shortcuts, if you wish.

New Shortcuts, Shell Commands & CLSID in Windows 11/10

Metro file search from the desktop: Allows you to search for files from the desktop. The Search panel appears on the right side of your screen Proximity Service Network Panel: It opens the Networks panel on the right side of the screen Programs Folder and Fast Items: Lists all the attached programs and folders that appear in the Start Screen and/or all Metro apps Refresh or Reset PC Windows 7 File Recovery: Back up or restore your files All Settings: Almost identical to All Tasks or Master Control Panel or God Mode, but just sorted differently – call it the New Super Mode if you wish! All Apps Memory Storage Space Show Desktop User Account Pictures List of Installed Applications Auto Start Up Roaming Tiles

Some ready-to-use Windows desktop shortcuts

I have created some ready-to-use desktop shortcuts based on some of these. You can download them by clicking here. You will have to select and set an icon for them however, depending on your choice.