Tips to Become an Influencer on Twitter

A Twitter Influencer possesses the unique ability to set trends, create conversations, and drive huge traffic. Following are the prerequisites that can help you establish yourself as an influencer on Twitter.

1] Establish your profile

Before you start ‘following’ anyone or gain a large following or even start tweeting, create an attractive, engaging profile by ensuring you have the following items in the list checked:

Twitter Handle: Your handle can be up to 15 characters long. Make it unique so that it represents your personality or a brand you are looking to promote. Adding numbers to the end, like., @Hemant 8711, does not make it look cool. Instead, using ‘the’ at the beginning of your handle adds dignity and makes it sound somewhat, suave, e.g., @TheWindowsClub ;)Photo: Twitter likes smiling faces, so use one such. Moreover, it should not have a dark background (black) and appear as blurred.Bio: Twitter affords luxurious space of 160 characters to tell the world about you, who you are and more. Just try to accommodate all the information in brief. Prove to them ‘BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT’. It can include URLs and other Twitter handles you want to promote.Link: Be the tourist guide and let them know where you intend to take them by adding a link of your website, blog.Background image: Use it smartly as there’s no size limit and therefore, an opportunity to promote your branding by adding relevant visual content.

2] Tweet with photos

Although they represent a small minority of published content, Tweets with photos get almost half of all engagement. Why? Because they subtly feature your branding in the images. As such, it is highly recommended to create strong visual content. However, there are few do’s & don’t’ of Twitter images. Here’s the most important one – Avoid using boring stock images. Images that appear cold and blurred into the background are not to be used for creating strong visual content. Instead, use images that are colorful and look original. Next, to maximize your original image output try creating attractive templates. The templates can include simple words, humorous one-liners, or a powerful quote from someone special. We know, words have colossal power to manifest change, whether it’s good or bad!

3] Gain a large following

No one would like to follow a new Twitter account with 0 followers. So, it is advisable to gain a large following but generating a large following on Twitter is again not easy. It requires intention and strategy! So-

Use Hashtags – start adding hashtags in your tweets to find more interesting conversations and generate meaningful followers.Tweet breaking news – For this, you can follow Google Alerts to receive up-to-date info you can tweet out.Leverage your popularity on other social media networks – If you are new to Twitter but already have a strong presence on another social network, ask your friends and followers there to start following you on Twitter.Follow Twitter Trends – Discover what’s trending on Twitter, and if you find something relevant to your niche or interest, jump in and join the conversation.Tweet motivating or inspirational quotes – As humans, we have emotions, and so people love sharing inspirational/motivational content. Use this to your advantage and expand your reach on Twitter by sharing such quotes. It gives you one of the best chances to get retweets!

4] Be an opinion maker

Conversations don’t exist without influencers. They provide tweet fodder (good or bad statements) that triggers a response from followers. So, opinion-making is a critical component of an influencer. The more capable you are of navigating the Twitter social sphere, the higher are the chances of you becoming an influencer on Twitter. Having said that, it is equally important to have a large following on Twitter to generate this trend. Read: Best Twitter tips for microblogging.

5] Maintain high Engagement ratio

Communication can’t be one-way traffic. It goes both ways. So, any conversation can’t be considered fruitful if there’s no feedback. As such, it is essential to respond to the messages and even start following some other top-tier influencers. Unfollow those influencers who do not follow you back. This will help in creating enough space for you to continue with the people following you. Who knows, exchange of information or knowledge taking place via this way of communication can transcend into something more valuable – WISDOM! If you know any more tips that we can add here, let us know them in the comments section below! Read next: