This error, and the ones related to it, signify that there are problems with your service connection. You don’t get an explanation as to what has caused the file’s upload to block, but there is a very easy and quick fix to it. If this is something that you happen to come across, just follow the steps discussed below.

Fix OneDrive Upload blocked error

To fix Upload blocked, Sign in to save this file or Save a copy OneDrive error on Windows 10, follow these steps:

Once you’ve followed all the above steps, restart Microsoft Office and the change will have taken effect now i.e., you’d now be able to conveniently upload and save your documents on OneDrive. If the error still persists, you are recommended to check if you’re running an outdated version of the Microsoft App in question and there’s an update for it. You can find the relevant information in the Account section under the Office Updates header. Click on Updates Options and if there’s an update available, select Update Now. Read: How to fix OneDrive sync issues. We hope you will now be able to upload files on OneDrive easily.