Facebook Sign up

Creating a new Facebook account is a pretty simple and straight job. visit www.facebook.com home page and enter the required details like your name, email ID and password. Also, select your sex and birth date from the drop-down menu. Click on Sign up. The “Sign up” page or the homepage of non-account holders shows everything so that people can comprehend and have their first account within moments. Talking about the exact process, you need to visit Facebook and go through the Create an account section. It requires some basic information such as your first name, last name, mobile number or email address, password, date of birth, gender, etc.

If you used your email ID to create an account, you can find a confirmation email in which a link should appear. You need to click on that link so that Facebook can verify the email address. It is essential to go through this step as Facebook might send you important security and privacy-related information to you via email, which we have talked about in the latter portion of this article.

Facebook Login

There are a few things you should always keep in mind while creating and accessing an online website account and some of them are mentioned below-

You should always create and use a strong password.Enable two-step verification whenever possible.Always check the website URL before entering your login credentials.Revoke external app access when you are done.Never save your password in the browser.

Facebook always tries to take care of these things as it is an attractive target for attackers. As mentioned earlier, you need to create a strong password for the Facebook account as it is the first line of defense to protect your account. If you think your account is not worth a hacker’s time, you might be wrong at some point. The next security measurement is to enable two-step verification for your Facebook account. There are mainly three things that you can use to enable two-factor authentication for Facebook – your phone number, an authentication app, and a security key. To enable it for your Facebook account, open the Settings page, and switch to the Security and login section. Here you can find an option called Use two-factor authentication, and you need to click on this option.

After that, it should ask you to enter your account password. If you do that correctly, it will redirect you to the page where you can choose a method to enter the OTP or the authentication code source. The third security measurement is to check the URL before entering your login credentials. Attackers often try to replicate the original URL with a minor change, and people fall into that trap and lose the account eventually. The official website of Facebook is www.facebook.com or m.facebook.com. If you find anything else other than these, do not enter your username and password on that site even if it is looking genuine. Many websites allow users to log into their sites and apps via the existing Facebook account. If you have done that earlier and you no longer use that website or app, it is better to revoke your account access. When you log into a site or app with a Facebook account, that fetches your profile information. If the site or app gets hacked, there is a high chance that your data might be at risk. Therefore, you can follow this guide to revoke third-party app access from Facebook. It is also important to enable email notification for logins so that you can get an email whenever someone logs into your account without permission.

For that, go to the Security and login tab in the Settings and find out Get alerts about unrecognized logins option. From here, you can choose the notification conditions one after one.

Reset or Recover Facebook password

If you cannot remember your password, it is quite easy to reset it. There are two common conditions – the user is logged in but cannot remember the password, the user is logged out and cannot remember the password. If you fall into the first category, you can visit this page and go through the screen instructions. However, if you are into the second category, you need to visit the Facebook website and click the Forgotten account option. After that, you can enter the registered email ID or phone number to identify the account.

Now, you need to go through the same steps to get an OTP. Following that, you can enter your new password.

Facebook Sign out or Log out

Like the signup process, it is straightforward to log out from your account on the Facebook website. You need to click the arrow button visible in the top-right corner of the screen and select the Log Out option from the list.

If you are facing issues in signing in to your Facebook account, you get can get more support and help here. You can also secure your Facebook accounts and harden your Facebook security settings by using any of these Security Applications like Norton Safe Web, BitDefender Safego, Defensio for Facebook, or ReclaimPrivacy. Check this if you want to configure Facebook Privacy Settings. Happy networking!

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